Weight Loss 101

October 17th, 2016|Health, Weight Loss|

It’s pretty much a cliche to tell someone to watch their weight. But for Malaysians, this statement is pretty sound advice. Since our country is home to a multi-racial community, it is renowned for having a diverse set of culinary treats that are often hard to resist, especially during the festivities! It comes as no [...]

Is Your Health Deteriorating Lately?

September 11th, 2016|Health, Detox|

"Something is definitely amiss as these problems are not ‘normal’ aging problems, but rather the result of malfunctioning detoxification systems – an inability to cope with the body’s toxic load.” ~ Dr Frank Lipman, detoxification specialist and author of Total Renewal ‘These problems’ referred to cancers, chronic fatigue, aches, pains, chemical sensitivities, infertility and degenerative [...]

Detox For Better Health

August 3rd, 2016|Health, Detox|

With stress, toxins in our food and the pollution in the environment that we continuously face, regular detoxification is a crucial step towards good health, youthfulness and vitality. The body starts to re-tox as soon as we complete a detox programme, so we incorporate a regular detox routine two to three times a week. It’s [...]

What Does The Poop Say?

July 25th, 2016|Health, Detox|

Let’s analyze… stools. We know that it may not be your favorite topic but it is certainly worth taking the few seconds to learn about it and inspect your “goods”. You’ll be surprise as it can very well tell you about your health. Before you flush… No, you don’t have to touch to analyze your [...]